Every season is special and unique in its own right. As one season ends, another begins. Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, and Winter all have recognizable weather attributes. While some of these weather changes may encourage fun activities like swimming in the summer or sledding in the winter, these substantial variety of weather patterns can also create hazards for jobs and employees, especially those who work in outdoor settings. Always consider what the current season is and think ahead to the upcoming season with regards to the possible dangers the weather might create. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) evaluates each season and provides examples of unexpected events that may occur.


Two main weather pattern changes in Spring are persistent rain and frequent storms. Constant rain may induce flooding which can cause trenches to cave in. Rain can also cause damage to equipment and materials at worksites. Powerful storms can make power lines break or fall which in turn might lead to a power outage. Always make sure employees who work in outdoor settings during Spring have appropriate gear such as rain jackets, rain bibs, ponchos, and boots so they remain dry and warm during the workday.


Summer goes hand in hand with sunshine and intense heat. The high temperatures and lack of precipitation can cause fires and wildfires to ignite. Fire damage is always costly and cleaning up requires significant time and effort. Residual smoke from fires and wildfires is also a hazard to be aware of. According to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, “Wildfire smoke can cause mild symptoms like coughing, stinging eyes, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat. Wildfire smoke can also cause serious and sometimes fatal health effects, including chest pain and heart failure, asthma attacks, trouble breathing, and reduced lung function.” Laborers who are required to work outdoors are more prone to heat exhaustion and dehydration during the summer months. Provide plenty of water for outdoor workers so they don’t overheat or become dehydrated.


Rain, wind, fog, and less daylight hours are all common attributes of Fall. Steady rainfall leads to excess water on the ground which in turn can cause people to slip, trip and fall more often. Strong winds might blow materials and people off elevated settings. Wind could also blow dust or other particles into workers’ eyes and faces. Employees must wear appropriate PPE such as goggles to protect their eyes from dust or debris when the weather creates strong gusts of wind. Fog and less daylight hours increase the likelihood of injury due to poor visibility when operating machinery or equipment. Extra lighting should be used when there isn’t enough natural light to illuminate the job site or task at hand and employees should wear reflective gear to ensure they are easily seen at all times.


Snow, sleet, ice, and freezing temperatures are the cornerstones of winter. Snow and ice can make the roads and ground slippery causing more accidents and falls to occur. Extremely cold temperatures may create health risks such as infections by viruses, colds, or hypothermia for those working outdoors. Workers should always dress in layers during Winter. According to the Construction Center of Excellence, “always dress in layers with the outer layers loose and the inner layers tighter. This will trap body heat.” Keep in mind, “over half of the body’s heat loss comes from the head” per CCE so to increase overall warmth, workers need to wear head, feet, and hand protection. Lastly, try to minimize sweat since wet clothing is not nearly as effective as dry clothing with regards to keeping people warm.


Always be a step ahead and contemplate possible weather-related problems and devise solutions to those problems. Visit the Seasonal Safety section on the L&I website for more tips, checklists and training materials.

Do you have questions about safety, or anything else L&I related? PIM Savvy is ready to help you with these and other topics individually over the phone, via online meetings, or in person at one of our virtual workshops. We have safety and labor expertise to share with you and we can connect you with L&I. Call or text our workplace safety info line at 206-565-2961. Not only that, in partnership with L&I, these services are FREE to you!


Find Safety Meeting Ideas – Toolbox Talks

Wildfire Smoke (wa.gov)

Cold Weather Clothing — Construction Center of Excellence


Personal Protective Equipment — Construction Center of Excellence

Seasonal Safety (wa.gov)

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Services we provide:

  • Build core financial skills
  • Saving strategies
  • Establish good spending habits
  • Find ways to save money
  • Track expenses
  • Wants vs. needs exercise
  • Create a budget
  • Research debt reduction or consolidation options

Reach out today to inquire. Fill out the form or text Coaching to 206-565-2961.

Learn how to register your business, write a business plan and more.

Are you interested in starting a business in Washington State but don’t know where to start? PIM Savvy can help you develop a business plan and walk you through each of the steps required to open your own business. We will work with you to develop a business plan, conduct market research, and ensure you have all the necessary components in place such as the proper licenses and permits to register and open your business.

  • Create business plans
  • Conduct target market and competitive business research
  • Assistance with business registration and Unified Business Identifiers (UBI)s
  • Guidance on business licenses and permits
  • Help with Federal Tax Identification Number, also known as the Employer Identification Number (EIN) applications
  • Information on Business Checking Accounts
  • Develop workplace safety programs including an Accident Prevention Programs (APP)s

Budgeting & Saving

  • Create a personalized plan
  • Track expenses
  • Wants vs. needs
  • Overcome and avoid triggers
  • Create and stick to a budget
  • Establish good spending habits
  • Find ways to save money
  • Save for major goals


  • Free tax prep services for qualifying taxpayers (VITA)
  • Working Families Tax Credit application help
  • Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Learn basics of Federal Taxes

Applying for Loans

  • Seek credit options 
  • Compare credit options
  • Understand credit options
  • Make informed decisions

Resume Development

  • Resume and cover letter assistance



Job Searching

  • Career research and exploration



Understanding and Building Credit

  • Learn key factors to improve credit
  • How to build credit
  • Analyze interest rates
  • Learn how credit scores factor in to financial success

Debt Management

  • Take steps to pay off debt
  • Build core financial skills
  • Manage money wisely
  • Debt consolidation or reduction
  • Accomplish financial goals

Event Registration

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¿Está interesado en iniciar un negocio en el estado de Washington pero no sabe por dónde empezar? PIM Savvy puede ayudarle a desarrollar un plan de negocios y guiarlo a través de cada uno de los pasos necesarios para abrir su propio negocio. Trabajaremos con usted para desarrollar un plan de negocios, realizar investigaciones de mercado y asegurarnos de que tenga todos los 2 omponents necesarios, como las licencias y permisos adecuados para registrar y abrir su negocio.

Servicios que brindamos:

  • Crear planes de negocios
  • Realizar investigaciones de mercado objetivo y de negocios competitivos.
  • Asistencia con el registro de empresas y los identificadores comerciales unificados (UBI)
  • Orientación sobre licencias y permisos comerciales
  • Ayuda con las solicitudes del Número de Identificación Fiscal Federal, también conocido como Número de
  • Identificación del Empleador (EIN) Información sobre cuentas corrientes comerciales
  • Desarrollar programas de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo, incluidos programas de prevención de accidentes (APP)

Buscando un cambio de carrera? ¿Necesitas un trabajo lo antes posible? ¿Su currículum está desactualizado y necesita ser actualizado? PIM Savvy está listo para ayudar con todos los aspectos de la búsqueda de empleo, desde actualizar currículums hasta solicitar empleo. Lo guiaremos a través del proceso de búsqueda de empleo brindándole recursos, investigaciones y asesoramiento de expertos para que pueda tener confianza y estar listo para comenzar una nueva carrera.

Servicios que brindamos:

  • Asistencia con currículum y carta de presentación
  • Consejos para entrevistas y mejores prácticas
  • Investigación y exploración de carreras
  • Orientación sobre itinerarios educativos
  • Conceptos básicos y herramientas de networking
  • Soporte para solicitudes de empleo
  • Habilidades de organización para ayudarle en su búsqueda de empleo
  • Ayuda para navegar por plataformas y listados de búsqueda de empleo


Comuníquese hoy para preguntar. Complete el formulario o envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra ‘Coaching’ al 206-565-2961.

Are you interested in starting a business in Washington State but don’t know where to start? PIM Savvy can help you develop a business plan and walk you through each of the steps required to open your own business. We will work with you to develop a business plan, conduct market research, and ensure you have all the necessary components in place such as the proper licenses and permits to register and open your business.

Services we provide:

  • Create business plans
  • Conduct target market and competitive business research
  • Assistance with business registration and Unified Business Identifiers (UBI)s
  • Guidance on business licenses and permits
  • Help with Federal Tax Identification Number, also known as the Employer Identification Number (EIN) applications
  • Information on Business Checking Accounts
  • Develop workplace safety programs including an Accident Prevention Programs (APP)s

Looking for a career change? In need of a job as soon as possible? Is your resume outdated and needs to be refreshed? PIM Savvy is ready to help you with all the aspects of job seeking from updating resumes to applying for jobs. We will guide you through the job search process by providing resources, research, and expert advice so you can be confident and ready to start a new career.

Services we provide:

  • Resume and cover letter assistance
  • Interview tips and best practices
  • Career research and exploration
  • Guidance on education paths
  • Networking basics and tools
  • Job application support
  • Organization skills to help your job search
  • Help navigating job search platforms and listings


Reach out today to inquire. Fill out the form or text Coaching to 206-565-2961.

  • If there are no appointments available, you can try walking in.
  • No appointment is needed if dropping off tax information for virtual tax filing.
  • Eligible individuals and families can receive the Working Families Tax Credit – a tax refund up to $1,290 for Washington workers. If eligible, we will help with the application. See flyer in English; Spanish; Ukrainian; or Other Languages.
  • If you have any questions, email vita@pimsavvy.com or text 206-565-2961.
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