When someone asks you, “What is our standard operating procedure (SOP) on that?” Do your initial thoughts lean more toward anxiety or toward confidence?
Your reaction probably varies according to how modern your company’s Procedure Management process is and how those procedures held up during the earthquake caused by COVID-19. You probably discovered practices that were rock solid in 2019 were a little less stable in the shifting sand caused by the 2020 virus-related crisis. As you evolved to keep up with the shifting times, you may have found your new methods were in direct opposition to your old ones, or maybe you were in uncharted territory and doing things in ways you had never conceived of before. When changes were made, was your company committing those new practices to writing? You may have found staff members were operating inconsistently because SOP’s had changed and haven’t been standardized yet.
Perhaps you feel confident in the process but could use help with the periodic work necessary to maintain your operating documents.
Or maybe your business is great at creating and delivering the goods or services but hasn’t gotten around to documenting how you presently do it.
PIM Savvy has a wealth of experience in creating, maintaining, revising, and organizing business policies and procedures to keep them current and accessible. We are proudly working with our newest Financial Services client to review and update their front-line procedures. It’s so easy to overlook the need for this. No matter how sound your Procedure Management process is, your business needs to continually codify the details.