Every business needs structure.  Naturally, the larger your business, the more defined your structuring must be.  Departments create natural management barriers, separating labor by expertise and delegation.  Without divisions throughout your business, it would be a chaotic mess.  Excessive cross-communication-traffic, a lack of obvious roles, and plenty of inefficiency.

But can this natural desire to have discrete labor trees cause too much isolation within a business?  Departments cannot operate in a vacuum.  Shared knowledge and learning must be something expressed throughout a business, at many levels.  The sales-division of a firm cannot implement new CRM measures without the support of IT.  If management silos are too entrenched, how does one express the hurdles and issues from one department to another?  Sales might be recording their records without consistency, making their data worthless.  Perhaps Sales does not get enough bandwidth from IT to call on records as they are needed.  How is one to deliver this message in a reliable fashion without pre-existing measures? Imagine the path a message travels from the bottom of one silo to the top of another.  How many managers does this filter through?  How warped is the message before it reaches its destination? How long does it take for the message to reach its intended recipient?

Silos exist all over a business in many forms like management, operations, data, or any structuring that prevents exchange and ease of access.  The natural solution for all of the above is to enable communication which may be the first step in the right direction or the singular solution.  In either case, there are existing utilities for this.  Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Sharepoint, Slack, even Google Drive are great tools to assist in building a robust business communication suite.  The chief goal is to create a meeting point where individuals can share without spending hours dissecting complex structures.  

Dividing the responsibilities and authority in any business is important.  Giving informational shortcuts is also necessary.  An experienced consulting firm might be a fantastic way to implement the changes your team or company needs to better collaborate and grow. 

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