Financial Coaching and Mentorship
Discover how to achieve your financial goals
PIM Savvy Financial Coaches can help you create a budget/debt management plan, set savings goals, identify strategies to improve your credit score, and assist you with creating a resume, searching for jobs, preparing for an interview, applying for jobs online or starting a business.
Our Financial Coaches can provide guidance on cutting back on expenses and redirecting that money towards paying down debt while building an emergency fund to safeguard your financial future. Contact us or fill out this form to get started with FREE Financial Coaching and Job Searching Assistance.
This program is funded by a grant from the Community Reinvestment Project, a project of the WA Department of Commerce.

Free Financial Coaching and Job Search Assistance
"*" indicates required fields
For questions, call 206-565-2961, Option 4 or email at
Si tiene preguntas, llame a Vanessa Delgado, al 206-565-2961, opción 2 o envíe un correo electrónico a
Savvy Finances

PIM Savvy CAA and ITIN Services
PIM Savvy VITA now offers Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA) services to individuals and families in Washington State! We partnered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) so we can assist alien individuals and other foreign persons obtain Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN).

Saver’s Credit
You may be able to take a tax credit for making eligible contributions to your IRA or employer-sponsored retirement plan. Also, you may be eligible for a credit for contributions to your Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account, if you’re the designated beneficiary.

Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day
The 19th annual EITC Awareness Day marks the kick-off of a nationwide multilingual communication effort intended to increase awareness of EITC eligibility, encourage participation, and emphasize the filing of accurate returns.

IRS Direct File
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now offers Direct File if you lived and worked in a participating state for all of 2024. Washington is a participating state!

PIM Savvy Partners with Bellevue Mini City Hall
Seattle, WA, September 2024 – We are excited to announce PIM Savvy has partnered with Bellevue Mini City Hall to bring services to the Bellevue and greater Eastside community!

PIM Savvy Partners with Connect Casino Road
We are thrilled to announce PIM Savvy has partnered with Connect Casino Road to bring services to the Village on Casino Road community! Our partnership began in May 2024.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Understanding your rights and protections as a consumer is essential in navigating today’s complex financial landscape. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) plays a vital role in safeguarding these rights, ensuring fair practices, and holding financial institutions accountable. Whether you’re facing issues with credit cards, loans, mortgages, or other financial services, PIM Savvy’s financial coaching, tax events, workshops and resources will help protect and/or build your financial well-being and achieve greater peace of mind. Contact a financial coach today to coordinate a day/time for a coaching session.